One of the most successful children's films ever made. This charming story centers around a lonely little boy who finds that a red balloon magically has a life of it's own. As he chases the colorful, teasing object through the Paris streets, the child encounters a world full of adventure and fascinating people... but nothing can prepare him for his final experience with his new and playful friend. Director Albert Lamorisse Special Features: Full Frame - 1.33 Audio: Dolby Digital Mono - French Subtitles - English Optional Runtime: 34 minutes Year of Release: 1955.
There's Wes Bentley and the plastic bag in American Beauty, and then there's this. We'll take the latter. At only 34 minutes, The Red Balloon is unquestionably one of the most gorgeous, transcendent and artful children's films ever. Frenchman Albert Lamorisse helmed the tale of a young boy who follows the titular balloon through a variety of dreamlike circumstances. Nearly wordless and available at a reasonably low price, it's a must-have family film.