The Dears have majored in bristling honesty throughout their 25 year-strong career, and ''Times Infinity Volume Two'' turns the microscope on Lightburn and Yanchak themselves. Propelled by driving bass-lines, the fractious early single ''Of Fisticuffs'' doubles down on the propulsive agitation of Times Infinity's first installment, typifying the universal, everyday tightrope of choosing which battles to fight. For Lightburn and Yanchak - married with a young family of their own - a sense of protecting what's important runs deep through ''Volume Two,'' though rendered with disarming tenderness. Following the release of 2015's ''Times Infinity Volume One,'' ''Times Infinity Volume Two'' sees the completion of a body of work which founding members Murray Lightburn and Natalia Yanchak recorded over a two year period. Both Lightburn and Yanchak identify ''Volume Two'' - a record driven by an unmistakable sense of unease - as the comparatively darker component of the ''Times Infinity'' series.